Hydraulic cylinder replacement or repair?

Hydraulic cylinders are an essential component in heavy machinery. They’re the muscles that provide the power to do the heavy lifting work. When they develop performance issues or fail, work comes to a grinding halt. When this happens, you have a choice: repair or replace. Hydraulic cylinder replacement comes at a cost. So, what’s better? Let’s look at both options.


Why do cylinders fail?

Any piece of machinery with moving parts can develop failures without regular maintenance. Cylinders have a barrel with a piston rod moving in and out through a cap with seals. This means there are many possible causes for failure.

Any contamination that gets into the hydraulic fluid can cause damage or premature wear. Damage to seals can lead to cylinders becoming inoperable. A bent piston rod will lead to serious problems, and even a dent in the barrel can affect the cylinder’s performance.

Damaged cylinders don’t always need replacement

If a cylinder is very badly damaged, replacement will likely be your only option, but it’s worth checking with a professional first as cylinders can be repaired to near-new condition.




What are the costs of replacement?

Often, the cost of repairs is cheaper than replacement, but there are other costs to consider, especially downtime. While you’re waiting for the cylinder to get fixed, shipped and installed, your machinery isn’t working, which affects overall productivity.

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Other considerations

Cylinder lifespan

What is the expected lifespan of the damaged cylinder? Not all cylinders are made equal, and the quality of the components will extend or shorten their lifespan accordingly. If the cylinder is nearing the end of its expected lifespan, you may be better off getting a replacement than repairing it.


Causes of failure

Doing your hydraulic detective work could save you a lot of money. If you discover there’s a problem with the machinery that is causing the cylinder to fail, you could repair or replace it and have the same issue, making it doubly expensive.

Availability of parts or replacement cylinders

In some cases, such as with cylinders produced by manufacturers of machinery, the parts or replacement cylinders may no longer be available. If they are non-standard cylinders, an off-the-shelf replacement won’t do. You’ll need to get a replacement fabricated, which means weighing up what will cost more, waiting for a repair, or waiting for fabrication.

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When to repair

If a single component gets damaged and the other parts are in good condition, a repair is usually the best option. Especially with issues such as seals and bearings, repairs are straightforward and cost-effective, even with downtime. On standard cylinders, where parts are readily available, repairs are also a good option.


Repair or replace?

There are many factors that go into making this decision. Sometimes the choice is obvious, and other times it isn’t. It’s important to diagnose why the cylinder failed, the availability of parts, the cylinder’s age, and what the costs are to your business when comparing repairs to replacements. Whatever you decide to do, you need your machinery to be operational, productive and safe for workers. And if you need expert advice to make your decision, we’re here to help.

If you need any advice, our experts are always available to help.

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